GetEvangelized Cake 11Jan2017

Turning two, exciting times ahead

We just turned two today and got us a little present – the GetEvangelized blog. This come in two years after GetEvangelized said “Hello World”. I do realise the irony in this – a social media focused company decides to launch its blog on the second anniversary.


As an early stage startup working on an emerging industry, we thought its best to keep our head down and focus on understanding the nuances of this opportunity. Although we kept away from social media, we were always exchanging notes, seeking feedback and insights from all those who took a leap of faith with us. The list includes GetEvangelized’s team members, shareholders, advertising agencies, brands, creators (users) and our well-wishers. You all know who you are. Thank you for being around and investing your faith in us. There is a lot more to unfold in this journey, and we hope to have your continued trust and support.


Celebrity audience measurement at mirc media
Snapshot from an audience measurement report for Ranveer Singh (2014)


In Jan 2015, GetEvangelized was launched as an experiment to validate the hypothesis around an extension of our reason d’être. Back then, we worked as an audience measurement company. We mined social media conversations to understand more about communities engaged by Television shows, films and celebrities. We believed, and still do, that advocacy programs should be predictable, measurable and scalable.
Ankita, among other friends, pointed me to this new thing called ‘influencer marketing‘ and how unorganised and data-scarce it was. We could immediately connect the dots with the audience measurement work we were doing around celebrities. We could sense this emerging group would be the next wave of celebrities who would engage with brands just the way our superstars did. That’s when we coined the term ‘micro-celebrity’ and came up with this tagline for our business cards.


India has been a country that thrives on its stars and role models. Social media aids to the creation and discovery of newer stars and role models.  We call them Creators. They’re unique; unlike traditional celebrities, they write, produce and distribute content all by themselves. Assembly line advertising and content models that rely on multiple vendors are likely to experience significant disruption in the coming times.
As millennials grow up, and data connectivity becomes more accessible; more creators will emerge. More stories will get created and distributed. Brands will discover more opportunities to align with these one-stop-shops for creation and distribution. Advertisers will skew towards non-intrusive yet authentic native communication.
As creators become mainstream, they will become the superset for traditional celebrities, who may face a correction in the premium they command. Micro-celebrities and other Creators will experience a surge, as the marketplace becomes more data conscious, ROI focussed and accessible. Being famous may not be enough.
Exciting times lie ahead, and our journey has just begun. I’m happy to chat should you wish to discuss ideas or talk about getting in on this caravan as a team member, investor, creator, brand, agency or merely a cheerleader.

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